
by CBA-Pro1

Health & Fitness


At defineyou, we care about your well-being. That’s why we help our clients implement a non-restrictive approach while they’re chasing their goals. Yes, it will take hard work and persistence. However, if you want to change the way you look in the mirror, there is no reason why it shouldn’t be fun and exciting! We show our clients that you CAN eat the foods you love and perform the workouts you enjoy the most, while seeing the results you crave. We work hard to collaborate with our clients and create a program that best suits them as individuals. No, you don’t need to be in the gym for 2+ hours each day. No, you do not need to only eat fat-free, low-carb foods to lose weight. With defineyou, be prepared to say goodbye to restrictive fad diets, yo-yo weight fluctuations, and anxiety over your appearance. It’s time to redefine the way you approach fitness and become one step closer to unleashing your true potential. Receive custom workout plans, nutrition plans, accountability and habit tracking with Emilie Learn how to reach your full potential while still ENJOYING the process with DefineYou!